Unni Hermansen and Rune Helgeland

"However an excellent dancer you are as a man, even if you are able to dance with every woman, when you dance with a woman who can't follow, you have more responsibility. You must dance perfectly, which means you can't relax, you can't think about your posture, and you can't rattle off a fine step: what is the use of being able to do everything if the woman can't follow you?"

- Miguel Zotto

Norsk English

Links to relevant tango sites

Here are some links that you may find useful.

Courses, milongas, practicas etc. in Oslo

Tangoskolen tangoskolen.no

Oslo Tango Club oslotangoclub.com


Tango shoes

Tangosko tangosko.no


Various foreign links to tango related information

Tango El Corte elcorte.com

Go Tango Worldwidetorito.nl

El Pajaro y Belentango-argento.blogspot.com