0 Tangopraxis


"The most important talent a milonguero must have is the ability to make the woman shine. It means nothing to execute a lot of steps with the woman just following you. The tango is just any action in real life. Tango is about the character in each one of us."

- Carlos Gavito

Norsk English

Next Milonga Social 2018

No milonga week 35

Entrè: 150.- if you can (100.- if you live on a tight budget)

Please join us at Arkitektenes Hus, Josefinesgate 32,

Adr: Arkitektenes hus, Josefinegate 32/34.

Milonga Puerto...rosado is now closed

The first weekend in May 2011, the wonderful couple Paula Gurini and Mariano Bielak visited Milonga Puerto...rosado. You can watch them perform at a different venue on YouTube